
The Things That Hated By Men We Love

Where couples who do not want to have a cordial and intimate relationship? But there are some things that are often disturbing in intimate relationships.

Not only women who do not like some things when it comes to having sex. Many men also do not like beberapal something like the following:

Fingered Her Ass
Men just love it if you play the fingers in pantanya, because it can meumbuhkan pleasurable sexual stimulation. However, before you do, you should talk with your partner first. If not will cause discomfort for your partner.

Mention The Name of Your ex-Boyfriend
Anyone not be happy if the thought of couples having sex with another man. Although it was a tremendous compliment for your partner, (eg, "Honey, it's you is infinitely greater than my ex-boyfriend!")

The point is that although you have to do foreplay, and maybe you are ready to accept it, do you immediately say, "Come on now please!". Because he's not necessarily ready. nah, if you are still forced ... wow, he can simply turn off.

That style-It's Only
If about sex, it definitely favors? Not really, because when a style that's all can lead to burnout and boredom. Talk to him to try new things. (Eg: a place or a different location (in the chair, table ..), or other times (early in the morning, afternoon ..)

Covering Direct Connect Intimate Body Finish
This is the least preferred. Because with an attitude like Tiu, your partner will feel awkward and uncomfortable. Supposedly, you allow yourself naked after that relationship.

And there is still much more ...

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